
Do you accept returns?

Griot Goods does NOT accept returns or issue refunds. All sales are final. Please read the descriptions of each item before purchasing. Do not hesitate to ask questions on my Instagram www.instagram.com/griotgoods or at my griotgoods@gmail.com

Please email griotgoods@gmail.com if you have a problem with your order.

Do you sell gift cards?

Yes! They can be found in the Shop Tab on the site. The following is some details about the gift cards:

  • At checkout, a gift card’s value is subtracted from the order total. This includes taxes and shipping.

  • Gift cards never expire.

  • When purchasing a gift card, you will go directly to checkout after clicking Purchase. Gift cards don't support custom forms or fields.

  • Yes. Customers can apply multiple gift cards to an order.

  • Gift cards are sold as unique digital codes. Squarespace doesn’t create or ship physical gift cards.

Heat + Resin?

Resin is a plastic adjacent material. Heat can cause fire hazards when it comes into contact with flames. Do not drop lit flame into or onto anything resin.

Heat can melt, burn or misshape resin so it is recommended to not put things hotter than you can comfortably touch on resin items. Ashtray bottoms will discolor were you snuff out items. This is normal and is caused by burning of the resin (Cigarette ends are ungodly hot) but to make sure you can see the majority of the ashtray bottom, it is recommended to smuff out things in a small area or along the edges (or in whatever design meets your fancy) to prevent the whole bottom from becoming discolored.

Also using the ashtray as a holder of extinguished smokeable items and not using it to snuff out burning ends in is an option as well depending on what is available to you in your daily life!

My resin tray, paddle or incense holder got hot and cooled in a weird shape! Can it be fixed?

YES! First thing is to not try to bend the item the item flat while it is cool or room temperature! Second is, it is normal for resin to soften while very warm (ex. in direct sunlight or in a hot car for extended periods of time (neither of which are recommended environments for resin goods))
Steps to restore your item’s shape:
1. Warm it up (slowly and just til it’s mildly flexible)

2. Lay on flat surface in a room temp. or cool place.

It should “relax” into a neutral position and then when cool it will reharden.

Terms and Conditions

When you purchase from Griot Goods, you agree to the terms and conditions found here.